
53rd Annual State Leadership Conference
March 13-16, 2025 | Grand Rapids, Michigan


Watch Live

Supporters from near and far can join in the excitement of the conference by viewing our livestream. Our general sessions will be broadcast live throughout the conference weekend. Share the news with your friends!

Sync or Swin

This year's Thursday Night Activity is Sync or Swim. This lively event will give groups an opportunity to shine as they put their lip-sync talents to the test. Be sure to stop by on Thursday for a fun filled night!

Get ready to compete

Students will compete in 66 different assessment events during the conference. The top state finalists will be eligible to compete at our National Leadership Conference in Orlando, Florida.

Business Professionals of America members have an opportunity to develop leadership skills, personal and professional growth, and career-related competencies during our State Leadership Conference (SLC). Involvement in BPA enhances social awareness, civic responsibility, and understanding of the business community. Our Annual SLC, which is the highlight of the Michigan Association year, helps our members accomplish these objectives.

The 53rd Annual State Leadership Conference will be held in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on March 13-16, 2025. The parade of presidents, workshops, state officer elections, Workplace Skills Assessment Program events, and a semi-formal dinner are highlights of the conference. Delegates have the opportunity to meet people and make many new friends. More than 100 schools located throughout the state are represented at the conference.

NOTE: Postsecondary State Leadership Conference information is available on the Postsecondary page of our website.