About Us
General Information
Business Professionals of America is a national career and technical student organization consisting of 25 state associations and more than 45,000 members from over 1,800 chapters.
The mission of Business Professionals of America is to develop and empower student leaders to discover their passion and change the world by creating unmatched opportunities in learning, professional growth and service.
The organization serves students who are currently, or were previously enrolled, in a business education program at a secondary or postsecondary institution. Chapters are located in middle schools*, high schools, career/technical centers, postsecondary technical institutions, junior and community colleges, and colleges and universities. Business Professionals of America's members participate in activities at the local, regional, state, and national levels.
Our History
Business Professionals of America was formed nationally in 1966. The original name of the organization was the Office Education Association, until it was changed on July 1, 1988. (NOTE: In July of 1966, the Vocational Office Education Clubs of America was formed. This parent group of the Office Education Association was formed by the states of Iowa, Kansas, and Wisconsin. A meeting of VOECA leaders resulted in articles of incorporation being filed in Wisconsin for the Office Education Association. The first three states to become affiliated were Iowa, Kansas, and Wisconsin. A national office was established in Columbus, Ohio, in 1971 with a part-time executive director.)
Michigan became a chartered state association in 1972. The original name for the Michigan Association was Business and Office Education Clubs (BOEC). The Michigan Association also adopted the name Business Professionals of America on July 1, 1988 when the national organization’s name changed from Office Education Association to Business Professionals of America. Michigan is divided in 8 regions and has more than 3,300 members among approximately 120 local chapters.
Business Professionals of America is a co-curricular activity that is part of an education program designed to develop leadership abilities, competency in business occupations and interest in the American business system.
*The Michigan BPA Middle Level Division is sponsored and managed by Davenport University.
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Our Pledge
We are met in a spirit of friendship and goodwill as we prepare for careers in a world-class workforce. We work together to develop professionalism and leadership through Business Professionals of America and pledge our loyalty to our nation.
Facts & Details
The Michigan Association has 10 positions on its state executive council (state officer team) for the Secondary Division. Although some positions may be vacant throughout the year, all positions are listed in the Michigan BPA Secondary Division Bylaws posted on the documents page of our website. The Michigan BPA Postsecondary Division does not have a state officer team.
Special Olympics is our national service organization for all chapters throughout the country. The current state executive council selects the state service project for the current school year.
Membership dues for all Michigan students and advisors is $26.50 per person ($12.50 state, $14 national). All student members and chapter advisors must pay membership dues and conference fees.
The Business Professionals of America name has significant meaning: Business-the field for which we prepare our students, emphasizes that we educate our members to work efficiently, not only in an office setting, but also in a wide variety of business situations. Professionals-our students indicate they join to take advantage of a wide variety of professional development opportunities. Of America-symbolizes pride in our country and its free enterprise system.
Business Professionals of America's colors are navy blue, tan and red. The navy blue signifies the success achieved through leadership and professionalism. Tan represents the bountiful fields of opportunity in America. Red symbolizes the friendship obtained through devotion and teamwork in our organization.
The Business Professionals of America emblem has profound and significant meaning. The four points of the shield stand for ambition, leadership, sociability and poise. The shield itself stands for honor and dignity and the importance of business in America. The stripes represent direction and the bar represents the service provided by employees in business occupations. The quill and inkwell represent the stability of business occupations through the ages and the torch represents worthy goals. The emblem of our organization is not posted on any website because it is only used for ceremonial purposes and is not allowed to be included in printed or electronic materials.
The Michigan Association is directed through the Michigan Department of Education's Office of Career and Technical Education and is administered through a grant at Eastern Michigan University.
It is the policy of the Business Professionals of America-Michigan Association that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, marital status, veteran status, religion, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination during any program or activity or in employment.